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Supply Chain Canada - International - New Member Application - Step 1/3

$400.00 SCMP Accreditation Candidate
IMPORTANT: Admission into the SCMP Designation Program is subject to the approval of an admission application. To apply to the SCMP Designation Program, please contact [email protected]. / IMPORTANT : L'admission au programme du titre de p.g.c.a. est conditionelle à l'approbation d'une demande d'admission. Pour faire une demande d'admission au programme du titre de p.g.c.a., veuillez contacter [email protected].
$29.00 Student Affiliate
PLEASE NOTE: Students must provide an enrollment confirmation letter or other proof of (1) enrollment in one of our accredited programs, and (2) full-time status. Students must be located outside of Canada to be eligible for international membership. ***This membership does not allow for voting rights.
$400.00 Regular Member (New Member) / Membre Régulier (Nouveau Membre)
The $400 fee is applicable only to new members for their first year of membership. The regular $400 fee will be applicable upon their next renewals. Membership fees are not reimbursable. / Les frais de 400,00 $ s'appliquent aux nouveaux membres seulement pour leur première année d'adhésion. Des frais de 400 $ s'appliqueront lors des renouvellements annuels. Les frais d'adhésion ne sont pas remboursables.
*If the membership type you are applying for is not listed, kindly contact the Supply Chain Canada - International office at [email protected].
Contact Information
Preferred Address
Alternate Address
Communication Preferences

Supply Chain Canada magazine


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